I just got back from almost a week in Chicago attending the Science Fiction and Fantasy WorldCon better known this year as ChiCon7. There were lots of wonderful authors, fans, editors, and publicists having a ball, more food than should be allowed, and over 870 seminars and events including the Hugo Awards ceremony. If you are a science fiction fact and fantasy lover, this is something you should attend at least once in your lifetime. You never know what you might find or who you might meet. For instance, I ran into David Brin and Myke Cole, both authors, saw a movie called "Pig" (not to be confused with the book I recently read) and got a signed movie poster for it, and I learned more about writing, publishing, and reviewing. If you want to know more about it or about future WorldCons, post a comment and I will get back to you.
One of the big themes in Science Fiction and in Fantasy is time travel and I must admit it is one of my favorite themes as well. Today's choice is a boy meets girl sort of time travel and the setting is interesting.