Friday, October 4, 2013

The Anger Women Suite Sweeps in Memories

      For some time now I've been searching out other blogs, particularly book review blogs.  Some are quite humorous with brilliant prose, some are humorous with poignant prose and themes, and others just short, sharp, get in and out.  One thing I noticed is the blogs I like best have only the writer's words. To that end, I have decided not to include book descriptions from Amazon, B&N, or other sources.  After all, the links are there if the reader cares to look.
     The other thing I noticed is how the words flow together - which brings us to how the words in books are put together,  particularly in descriptions or the use of similes.  Some authors tend toward images that sew seamlessly into the story.  Others jackhammer images into your brain with huge earphones, pounding head splitting, abrasive music blow by blow until you lose the line of the story trying to sort out the image (if you see what I mean) and it can ruin a good story.
     Lee Fullbright's "The Angry Woman Suite", has images that settle on the reader like a soft, silk scarf. The reader hardly notices them but they add tremendous style and beauty. Many of those images stay long after the book is finished. There exists a gentle flow in good writing. "The Angry Woman Suite" has it while many 'good stories', even ones I love, do not, making it exceptional. This eloquent tale has received multiple awards and rightly so.

The Angry Woman Suite
  • ISBN-13: 9781937698539
  • Publisher: Lee Fullbright, an imprint of Telemachus Press
  • Publication date: 3/13/2012
  • Pages: 382


About the Book:

     Francis Grayson spent his childhood in a rundown mansion near a small town in Pennsylvania, living with his mother, grandmother, two aunts and older brother. From the beginning of his life, he was a marked child, a reminder of sin and loss, making him the target of the women in his household.  He grows up with a bitterness tempered by his desire to fix whatever is wrong with these women. This bitterness and desire clings to him even as he marries and works to raise two girls.