Mens et Mania: The MIT Nobody Knows
Samuel Jay Keyser
Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2011)
We all know about the Seven Wonders of
the World (with more being built every day); some things are just
mythic. We can look at the awesomeness of the Grand Canyon or see
photos of Dubai's tallest hotel and see right away that they are
unique, stunning, and beautiful. But when it comes to the abstract
landscape of the intellectual and scientific, we don't really "see"
things the same way. To most of us, MIT is a set of buildings in
Cambridge Mass. along the Charles River that provides a counterpoint
to Harvard on the other side. They do law and politics, MIT does
science and math.
But what makes for a school that for
generations has spun off new inventions and technologies? How does
that work behind the scenes? What do the people there see? Jay
Keyser gives us a peek into this world.